Tag Archives: subclass 309

Advantages of a Partner Visa to Australia

At Down Under Visa we have no problem with whether you wish to marry in Australia or in Philippines. No problems whatsoever. It’s not about us. It’s all about you, as it always is.

I just did a BLOG post about the advantages of a prospective marriage visa. And whilst yes, we do more prospective marriage visa applications than partner visa applications, we still do plenty of partner visa applications.




The Subclass 309 Partner Visa is for those who wish to marry (normally in the Philippines) at the beginning of the process. They either come to us when they are already married, or when they intend to marrying during the normal time that a partner visa application is processed. At the moment they are taking an average of 9 months. Which means if you intend marrying in about then next 6 months or so, yes this is ideal. Just understand that they won’t grant the visa until the marriage takes place.

Major issue in OUR view is the issue of free time! How much do you have? How much time off work can you take? Why do I ask? Because to marry in the Philippines without giving yourself some sort of stress-disorder will take you 3 – 4 weeks! Can you spare that much time? If not, then don’t do it!


Why 3 – 4 weeks?

You need to do umpteen different things to get a wedding done.

  • A certificate of No Impediment to Marriage from the Australian Embassy first.
  • 10 days to organise a marriage license at the local City Hall.
  • A seminar on birth control (in Tagalog) to attend. Yes, I’m serious!


Then the marriage itself, which means:

  • Organising the celebrant, which is either a judge or a priest at the Church. “Marriage Celebrants” like they have in Australia don’t exist.
  • If it’s a Church wedding, you have at least one pre cana seminar to attend. Sometimes several.
  • And you need outfits, ie. wedding dresses, barong tagalog (funny-looking shirt), outfits for the wedding party (which may be huge)
  • Rings
  • Reception


The wedding

If this is in the province somewhere, this might mean a few pigs get knocked on the head and mountains of rice is cooked. If in the city, it probably means a reception place and caterers. If in the city, it means a fairly set number of guests. If in the province, it means half the town will just turn up. And in most cases it means that various aunties, cousins, etc will pretty much take over organising everything. You probably won’t have much of an idea what is actually happening, and just need to do as you’re told.

It will be chaotic by western standards. It will be noisy and crowded, and you will be swept along in it all. The ceremony will have strange things like coins, chords, doves being released maybe. You may well arrive in a jeepney or even a tricycle.

Of course this will suit your bride-to-be, and it will make her family very happy. This is one of the huge plusses. It means a great deal to all of them. But you need to ask yourself whether it will suit you or not! Some people absolutely love it! Others? Even with enough time, they still find it less than desirable. It really depends on your personality.

So, consider TIME and your OWN PERSONALITY (patience, sense of humour, need to be in control), and make a decision and let us know. Happy to help you no matter what you decide.


Filed under Australian Visa Applications, Partner Visas - Offshore

Down Under Visa – Visa grant statistics – 1/12/2014 to 28/02/2015


As I said in a previous post (HERE), I intend giving updated average times for the processing of Australian Partner Visa applications and Australian Tourist Visa applications lodged by Down Under Visa in Manila every three months.


Australian Visa Processing Time Manila

Australian Visa Processing times

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Filed under Administration of visa applications, Australian Visa Applications, Visa Grants

Marrying and applying for a Partner Visa in Australia? The pressure is on!

A Subclass 309 OFFSHORE Partner Visa is the one you apply for offshore, ie. for our clients generally in the Philippines. This is the visa of choice if you wish to marry overseas and to apply for a partner visa based on this marriage.

And to answer a common question, yes a marriage in the Philippines is completely legal in Australia. Under Australian Law you are seen as being legally married. You don’t need to re-marry in Australia, and you don’t even need to register the marriage at Births, Deaths and Marriages.


churchontime Continue reading


Filed under Australian Visa Applications, Partner Visas - Onshore

Visa Grant Averages – September-November 2014

As I stated in an earlier BLOG post, I’ll be putting up regular posts on how long visas are taking to be granted for Down Under Visa clients. Just note please that:

(a) This does not include visas not granted yet. This is only visas that have been granted.

(b) Partner visa averages are based on the last 3 months

(c) Tourist visa averages are based on the last 1 month Continue reading


Filed under Australian Visa Applications, Fiance Visas, News, Partner Visas - Offshore, Partner Visas - Onshore, Tourist Visas, Visa Grants

New Australian Permanent Residents for early July 2014





Congratulations to the following Down Under Visa partner visa applicants, who (as of early July 2014) are now the proud owners of a right to live together in Australia! Continue reading

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Filed under Australian Visa Applications, Testimonials, Visa Grants