Tag Archives: tourist visa

Defining “Tourist” for Australian visa applications


Australia has a very large number of different visa types, and all are governed by legislated Regulations defining what must-be and what must-not-be for that visa to be granted. And they take these Regulations very seriously when making decisions.

This is very different to many countries, where a tourist visa is almost the “base visa” which is the one you get when you don’t qualify (or couldn’t be bothered applying) for another more specific visa. That’s how it works in the Philippines. There are people here who’ve been on a tourist visa for more than 10 years! They just keep on extending it, and they continue to live here. Continue reading


Filed under Australian Visa Applications, Partner Visas - Offshore, Partner Visas - Onshore, Tourist Visas

Don’t try to avoid a partner visa!

I put up a post recently about why it’s a waste of time trying to get 12 month tourist visas. That was the second one I’d put up in the last 6 months. The last one went up only two weeks ago.

Yet lately I get a flood of enquiries asking about 12 month tourist visas! I would say almost every day I get someone asking about one, especially those who are in long-term relationships. And we’re fairly sure we know why!


money versus wife Continue reading


Filed under Australian Visa Applications, Partner Visas - Offshore, Practical Issues, Tourist Visas, Visa Fees

Can I get an Australian tourist visa extended?

When you think of a “visa extension”, you think of the existing visa being given a bit more time. A bit like a top-up. You can get extensions of 59 days or up to 6 months on tourist visas in the Philippines. A mere formality, really. And Down Under Visa frequently find returning clients thinking it will be a formality.



Australian tourist visas are nothing like that, sorry to say. No top-ups or refills of existing visas. If you wish the applicant to stay longer, it’s a new application. Continue reading

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Filed under Administration of visa applications, Australian Visa Applications, Tourist Visas

Are partner visas easier to get that tourist visas?

An enquirer asked me this today. The answer is: In some ways yes, in some ways no.


'Another 'undecided'.'

Partner Visas

There is about 8 times as much work in a partner visa. There is a lot more evidence required, more documents and more information. Normally it takes 1 – 2 months to prepare a thorough application for a partner visa or prospective marriage visa, and average of 9 months to process in the Australian Embassy in Manila. However if you’re ready to make your relationship permanent, then yes it’s the right way to go. Continue reading


Filed under Australian Visa Applications, Fiance Visas, Partner Visas - Onshore, Tourist Visas

Health Clearances – medicals and xrays for Australian Visas

All Australian visas require that the applications pass what are known as Public Interest Criteria, which are written into Australian Migration Law.



Each visa has different criteria, but all are there to protect the Australian Public from two major issues: Continue reading


Filed under Australian Visa Applications, Health Requirements