Category Archives: Health Requirements

Health Clearances – medicals and xrays for Australian Visas

All Australian visas require that the applications pass what are known as Public Interest Criteria, which are written into Australian Migration Law.



Each visa has different criteria, but all are there to protect the Australian Public from two major issues: Continue reading


Filed under Australian Visa Applications, Health Requirements

Tuberculosis and its effect on Australian visas from Philippines

Tuberculosis. Pulmonary Tuberculosis. TB. A nasty and debilitating bacterial infection which used to be the second largest cause of death in Australia before it was brought under control. It attacks the lungs, and can progress to other parts of the body. Untreated it is fatal. Australia now has one of the worlds lowest incidences of TB cases in the world, due to strict controls.

The Philippines by contrast has one of the highest incidences of TB infection in the population. This is why chest x-rays are required for tourist visas of 6 months or longer, and for all partner visa applications. Therefore this is an important issue for Down Under Visa clients. Having thousands of undiagnosed TB cases every year arriving in Australia would lead to a lot of suffering in the Australian community, and this is why they are so strict about this. Continue reading

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Filed under Australian Visa Applications, Fiance Visas, Health Requirements, Partner Visas - Onshore, Tourist Visas

Is your fiancée/wife/partner pregnant?

Is your fiancée (or wife or girlfriend) pregnant? Have you lodged a visa application yet?


We at Down Under Visa often get prospective clients contacting us via our free assessment form who:

(a)    Tell us that their lady is pregnant, and;

(b)   Clearly hope that we can either speed up an Australian partner visa application, or find another visa option that’s quicker. Continue reading

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Filed under Australian Visa Applications, Health Requirements, Partner Visas - Onshore, Practical Issues, Relationship Issues